Keeping them safe, one breath at a time.
Now Available!
Welcome to PediPop. Where patient safety and stress management are our top priority!
Worried about leaving the pop off closed?
Stressed about financial losses due to iatrogenic complications?
Then Pedipop is for you! This simple valve creates a safe way to give positive pressure ventilation to your smaller patients that are on a Modified Jackson Rees anesthesia system. Simply depress the button, give a breath, and release. That simple! No more worries about leaving the valve closed and causing injury to your patients. What a stress relief for you and your staff!
Why we created PediPop
As a seasoned registered veterinary technician, with over 20 years of anesthesia specific training and experience in specialty and university medicine, I have personally witnessed multiple inadvertent prolonged pop off value closures. These incidents have the potential to cause trauma and even death of patients. When these incidents happen they wreck havoc on practices, not only from a business standpoint of financial loss, poor reviews, and loss of clients, but also on staff stress levels, confidence, and moral. There is nothing more devastating than causing undue pain and trauma or even death to a patient that you are working so hard to care for and keep safe. Doctors and technicians already juggle so many parts while performing anesthesia procedures, so if we can eliminate even one stress factor and increase safety, why wouldn’t we?
That is why PediPop was created. Similar valves were designed for larger patients that are placed on rebreathing systems, but what about the little ones? Our small patients deserve to be on the proper breathing circuit with minimal risk to adverse events as well! PediPop eliminates inadvertent prolonged valve closures that can result in barotrauma and death! Simply attach the valve in your Modified Jackson Rees system, depress and hold the button while giving positive pressure ventilation, then let go. It’s that simple! You never again have to worry about forgetting to open your pop-off. One major concern while performing anesthesia taken out of the equation. Believe me - your staff will thank you for this purchase!